Empowering you to live inspired by freedom

Interview with Cassie Mendoza-Jones


Interview with Cassie Mendoza-Jones

I have to say, it was love at first site with Cassie, and now happily she is a dear friend of mine. For me, Cassie is one of those gals, that supports and nurtures you through what feels like… everything. I love this interview because not only has Cassie personally assisted me with her knowledge of wellness, I also…

Absolutely love her food philosophy.


Tell us a little about you?

I’m a kinesiologist, naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist, and the founder of Elevate Vitality and the Body Harmony Society. I also write for a variety of media publications, and speak around the country on all things self care and body harmony.

I see clients 1:1 in my clinic and over Skype, helping them to balance and heal their bodies, and align with new ways of being, thinking, feeling and acting.

I also create online offerings and classes, such as eBooks, eCourses, meal plans, webinars and more.

I LOVE helping my clients feel calm, aligned,

balanced and clear on where they’re going, as well as help them heal their bodies so they have more energy, a calmer and more balanced mood and healthy digestive systems.


How does natural medicine assist people that feel tired & run down?

Natural medicine is one of the best ways to heal the body when you’re feeling stressed, tired or overwhelmed.

One of the reasons why is because the body recognises herbs as food, so they are easily and quickly absorbed. We also always look to resolve the underlying cause of health issues, while also easing the symptoms.

Lifestyle and diet changes are recommended too, so you slowly reduce the amount of stress being placed on the body and ease it back to a place of body harmony.


Do you believe mindset matters when creating a lifestyle change?

Yes, your mindset is so important.

It’s all about your intention

If you want to create healthy changes but they’re steeped in guilt and shame, you’re limiting yourself.

If you come from a place of compassion and treat yourself kindly and gently, it’s much easier to create a more positive mindset.

Kinesiology helps with this too, of course!

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Your TOP 3 pieces of advice about food choices?

1.    Eat when you’re hungry

2.    Let yourself enjoy treats

3.   Eat a varied, whole-food diet


What do you suggest to someone, who wants to start changing their relationship with food today?

My very first piece of advice would be to start being more kind and gentle with yourself, and release all guilt and shame around your past eating habits.

I also think it’s important to work out what your triggers are, e.g. do you eat emotionally when you feel lonely? Or sad? and start working towards resolving these underlying issues that are keeping you feeling stuck in limited ways to thinking and reacting.

It’s also important to start listening to your body

our bodies really do have the answers. Are you eating when you’re not even hungry? What else could you do to make yourself feel full?


Your 3 favourite things to cook with?

Three of my favourite foods are poached eggs on sourdough toast with organic butter… and a pinch of HImalayan salt. The best!

I also love sautéing green veggies in coconut or grape seed oil with Himalayan salt. Add some grilled protein, and dinner is served!


I’d love to know what your morning ritual looks like, and how you feel it betters your day/week/year?

I always start my day with exercise! This makes such a difference to my mental clarity and exercise. I usually go to yoga, or to a functional fitness AGOGA class, or for a walk or jog near the beach.

Then I’ll have breaky and often work in a café for a few hours, doing some writing or catching up on emails, or brainstorming or creating some new content.

I’ll come home and before I start seeing clients or continuing with my writing, I clear the space, and I will meditate or journal, and then the rest of my day begins.

I love my mornings – I try to keep them as calm and rush-free as possible to give myself the best start to my day!


And lastly, where can we find you?

You can find me everywhere…

Instagram: @cassiemendozajones

Facebook: cassiemendozajones

Pinterest: /elevatevitality/

Twitter: @cmendozajones


Love your work – Thank you Cass,


