Empowering you to live inspired by freedom

Interview with Cara Phillips

Cara Phillips

Interview with Cara Phillips

In world full of mixed and confusing messages about what it means to be “healthy”, Cara Phillips has a refreshing perspective:

Eat high-quality food.

Think high-quality thoughts.

Stay open and curious. Your body will tell you what’s working – and what’s not.

As a wellness coach and PSYCH-K facilitator, Cara is on a mission to cut through the noise and make healthy living simple and accessible for everyone.


Tell us a little about yourself and what you do?

Hi there, I’m Cara, it’s so lovely to be here with you. Officially, I’m the Founder and Creative Director of Ultra Inspired Living Australia’s go-to destination for vibrantly healthy living, and I also work with private clients one-on-one as a Life Coach and PSYCH-K facilitator.

Unofficially… I am a person who cares deeply about making healthy living easy and supporting women to create a life they feel truly great about living. In my spare time I love cooking, taking photographs and exploring new places with my incredibly wonderful hubby.


What’s the story behind your passion?

Years ago while travelling overseas, I became really unwell with a mystery virus.

My path to wellness

..while sparking my passion for integrative nutrition and natural therapies – was at times confusing and overwhelming. I’m hugely passionate about making the transition to healthy living easier for others.

To me, healthy living is about much more than what we eat and how we move our bodies, it also includes feeling connected to our purpose, the quality of our thoughts, and the relationships we enjoy. It’s holistic – mind, body and soul.


Which part of your life ignites feelings of love and lightness? 

The amazing partnership I share with me husband.

So. Much. Love.

My businesses, I feel so blessed to do what I love each day and honoured to be in a role that allows me to support, guide and share the journey of so many beautiful women.



When your feeling overwhelmed, tired or run down, what works best to calm and reconnect with yourself?

Meditation is my ultimate self-care practice.

I’m also a fan of making some time for viparita karani (legs-up-the-wall-pose) and deep (diaphragmatic) breathing at the end of a big day.


Please let us know your 3 favourite things to cook with?

Vanilla Bean Powder: I use Ovvio Organics vanilla bean powder, it’s such a versatile ingredient, I use it in smoothies, desserts, and in some of our main meals

Cacao: The healthiest way to get your chocolate fix! I love adding cacao to smoothies for an extra boost, and of course making all-time favourites like choc brownies and bliss balls.

Coconut Oil: Another incredibly versatile ingredient (an essential in my beauty kit) I use coconut oil for cooking, in smoothies, desserts and sauces.


What’s on your bucket list?

I would really love to travel Africa for a few months and live in the US for 6 – 12 months.


Also… tell us what your morning ritual looks like, and how you feel it betters your day/week/year?

Each morning we wake-up naturally as the sun rises.

Listening to my body..

My mornings can involve any or all of the following… Warm water with freshly squeezed lemon, a smoothie or eggs with avocado for breakfast, Xtend Barre, Yoga, Pilates or a walk outdoors, 10 – 20 minute meditation, chats with hubby and setting an intention for the day ahead. If I wake up feeling called to sleep for longer, I’ll allow myself that rest. Equally, if I wake up bursting with energy or ideas, I’ll honour that and move my body right away or journal to capture the inspiration. Gone are the days of rigid routines which has definitely made a huge difference to the way my day flows.

Cara Phillips Peaches and Cream-1 (1)

Cara Phillips Peaches and Cream